sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2009


Coisa incrível aconteceu ontem. Andava eu a saltitar de posto de rádio em posto de rádio quando me deparo com uma música que pura e simplesmente ADORO e que já me fez dançar até quase cair para o lado. Chama-se 'Tainted Love', acho que é duns senhores chamados 'The Living End', é antiguinha e muito, muito catita.

«And now I know, I've got to,
run away, I've got to, get away,
you don't really want anymore from me,
to make things right, you need someone to hold you tight,
and they say love is to pray, but I'm sorry I don't pray that way.

Once i ran to you
now i run from you,
this tainted love you've given,
I give you all a boy could give you,
take my tears and that's not nearly all.
tainted love, oh oh oh, tainted love.

Don't touch me please, I cannot stand the way you tease,
and I love you though you hurt me so,
so I'm gonna pack my things and go!
the love we shared, seems to go, nowhere,
and I've lost my life, for I toss and turn, I can't sleep at night»

Mal acabou esta, carrego no botão de pesquisa automática e eis que acontece Russ Ballard! Não queria acreditar. Duas músicas incríveis assim de seguida. Muito bom. Foi cantar a plenos pulmões. E garanto que só não encostei o carro e saí lá para fora para dançar porque chovia torrencialmente. A sério.

«First you break it up, but I knew you'd come running
You'd wanna make it up, I can't hear you no more

Now you know what it's like, and I can watch you begging
Like I was begging to you, like I did before

I can't hear you no more, I can't hear you no more, I won't come running again
I can't hear you no more, no it ain't like before, I'm learning to live again

Ain't I the one who called, when you stood so near me
You didn't hear me then, I can't hear you no more

Now you know what it's like, and I can watch you begging
Like I was begging to you, like I did before
I can't hear you no more, I can't hear you no more, I won't come running again
I can't hear you no more, no it ain't like before
I'm learning to live, learning to live, learning to live again

For too long you played a part, now it's lost the mystery
But no more can I hold on, I'm breaking the chains that tie me, yeah»

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